Friday, December 30, 2011

Reduce Pimple Redness - 7 Ways to Get Rid of Red Pimples Fast!

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If you are experiencing pimple redness and would like to learn how to reduce the redness of pimples fast, then read this collection of favorite home remedies and tips:

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1. Avoid the urge to pick, pop or squeeze a pimple. This could cause the spread of bacteria and you could end up with a permanent scar.

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2. To reduce the redness of a pimple, apply ice to the area every half hour. You should hold the ice on the affected area for about 2 minutes. The ice will reduce the swelling and can help with any pain you might be experiencing. Now use a makeup concealer with a tint of green to remove redness and hide the pimple.

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3. Apply a mixture of crushed aspirin and water to the affected area.

4. Apply a drop or two of Visine eye drops to the pimple.

5. Take some ibuprofen and swab the pimple with alcohol. It takes a couple of hours for the ibuprofen to kick it, but it relieves the pain and shrinks the swelling.

6. If you're in need of a quick fix, applying a bit of toothpaste to the affected area right before bed can help soothe pain and reduce redness.

7. Pressing and holding a wet tea bag or a cotton ball with a dab of lemon juice against the blemish for five minutes can reduce swelling and redness.

Remember, the best way to control pimples is through prevention. It is important to cleanse your skin 2 - 3 times per day to remove dirt, oil, makeup and dead skin cells. A moisturizer should also be used, if you are using any acne products like benzoyle peroxide to maintain the skin's moisture.

Reduce Pimple Redness - 7 Ways to Get Rid of Red Pimples Fast!

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Discolored Patches On Face - Why Do They Form?

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Discolored patches of color on the face that cover the upper lip, cheeks or forehead can make you look bad. What are they and how do they form? Let us find out more about these colored patches or melasma as it is called. This is a problem both for men and women, and not only for women, as it is wrongly believed. Let us find out more so you can stop them.

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Skin- Why Do Colored Patches Form?

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The color of our skin is because of melanin that is produced by cells called-melanocytes. These melanocytes sometimes get hyper active and produce much more melanin than needed. This activity can be triggered by some phototoxic allergies, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy etc. If you use a product that is photo toxic there are very good possibilities that you will develop melasma. Photo toxic means that the product is safe for use if no sun is present, but will produce allergy as soon as sunrays strike it. Hair dyes are a good example of this. In women during pregnancy and while taking birth control pills, hormones activate the melanocytes in the skin and produce more of melanin-the skin color. You will therefore get the colored patches on the facial skin.

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Skin And Sun protection-

Protect your skin from sun as much as possible. The sun is activating factor for melanin. If you protect your skin from sun, you will save lot of damage to skin including keeping these colored patches away.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Discolored Patches On Face - Why Do They Form?

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Panthenol and Your Skin - What You Need to Know

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Panthenol is a non-irriating form of Vitamin B that is usually derived from plants. When this natural, hydrating vitamin is applied externally, it penetrates into lower skin layers, gets absorbed into your skin cells and turns into pantothenic acid (commonly known as Vitamin B5). Because panthenol is absorbed deeply into the skin, it adds essential moisture and has a desirable plumping effect.

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Panthenol, with its humectant-like properties, penetrates into layers beneath the surface of your skin so it can be used to treat a myriad of minor skin disorders and irritations. This natural substance is safe to use on your skin and can even be administered internally. In 1984, panthenol was included in the list of over the counter drugs published by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In 1987, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) concluded that panthenol was safe to use in cosmetics as a humectant, emollient and moisturizer.

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Over the past twenty years, panthenol has been effectively used to treat sunburns, irritations, dryness and other minor skin disorders. This non-toxic vitamin has incredible absorption properties and helps to diminish wrinkles by infusing moisture into the deeper layers of your skin. In 1995, a study conducted by LH Leung also suggested panthenol as an alternative treatment for acne because it counteracts bacteria. Panthenol can be found in a variety of skin care products developed to treat dry, normal, combination and acne-prone skin.

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Using panthenol in your skin will help to keep it smooth by helping to maintain its natural moisture balance and counteracting surface bacteria. Panthenol reduces inflammation, soothes irritation and initiates the rebuilding of your skin. The healing properties of this vitamin have also been proven to be beneficial for stronger hair and nails.

The regular use of moisturizers, toners, shampoos and conditioners that include panthenol naturally ensure a softer, more attractive appearance everyday.

Panthenol and Your Skin - What You Need to Know

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Vitamin B6, Chromium and Selenium For Acne

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The LACK of certain nutrients can contribute to the acne problem. We all know that regardless of what Granny says, chocolate doesn't cause acne, and neither do French fries or carbonated soft drinks. It is widely accepted as fact that one the most important factors in fighting acne is complete and correct facial cleansing twice daily.

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The other important factor in keeping acne at bay is eating a diet that promotes healthy skin. Sadly, the usual Western teenager diet doesn't even come close. Pizza, hamburgers, French fries, hot dogs, potato chips, and candy bars don't contain very few is any of the nutrients necessary to promote healthy skin.

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There are many nutrients that are important to the health of the skin. Here we will discuss only three of them.

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Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 has many functions in the human body. It acts to help maintain blood sugar levels, for one thing. Foods that are high in vitamin B6 are fortified or whole grain cereals, beans, meat, poultry, fish, and some fruits and vegetables.

One result of a vitamin B6 deficiency is dermatitis. Vitamin B6 is included in multivitamin, multimineral supplement capsules, so taking a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement can help and those who have acne should probably take additional B6 supplements.

Chromium: Chromium is a nutrient that is required by the human body to maintain blood sugar levels. There is a direct correlation between sugar consumed and chromium needed. More sugar ingested = more chromium required. Research has proven beyond any doubt that people with high blood sugar levels have more severe outbreaks of acne, and that when chromium is given in sufficiently high doses, the skin clears up. Chromium can be found in brewer's yeast and molasses but it is difficult to get enough chromium in any diet. A supplement that contains chromium is recommended.

Selenium: You've probably seen selenium mentioned in the news lately because selenium has been found to help prevent some cancers. Researchers have known for a long time that selenium, when given with Vitamins A and E, does reduce the severity of an acne outbreak.

Vitamin B6, Chromium and Selenium For Acne

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Monday, December 26, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Redness In Pimples - Red Alert Measures

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Don't be taken in by what your neighbors claim to be a miracle cure for pimples and the accompanying redness. This is actually their payback time for all the times you had forgotten to return their books and the garden tools. So beware! If you are wondering how to get rid of redness in pimples and feeling like tearing your hair, then take heart. There are an umpteen number of cures, and all quite simple ones at that, which will help you with your ungainly marks and spots.

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Remedies to Remove Redness in Pimples

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Rosacea, also known as "adult acne" is the condition of redness in pimples. In many people, this condition of redness actually has some specific triggers. Say a cup of tea or coffee, or a drink or two and even hot, peppery food. Long periods of stress and the sun rays too are possible triggers. If you are lucky enough to have spotted the triggers, then the sole way to get rid of the redness is to steer well clear off them.

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But there are actually more people afflicted with the problem of persistently reddened pimples. And for them a mudpack is an option worth exploring. This particular facial mask will help the pimple shrivel and disappear in no time at all, and with it, it will be bye-bye to the redness too.

When you are practically reeling with pimple redness, cakes of make-up and harsh skincare products are to be kept at bay. These further lead to inflammation of the skin and aggravate your pimple predicament.

There are a few quick-fix home remedies to cure the problem of redness in pimples. An ice cube held over the pimple for about 20-minutes followed by a dab of milk is quite an effective solution. So is holding a wet tea bag or a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice against the pimple for about five minutes.

Untreated Rosacea can lead to severe bumps in the facial region especially on the nose. So, dermatologists usually waste no time in prescribing antibiotic gels and lotions for the mild Rosacea cases and antibiotic pills like tetracycline (which is especially beneficial for eye complications arising out of Rosacea) to get rid of the pimple problem.

You can expect results with the antibiotic treatment in about 3-4 weeks. However, pregnant women are advised against use of antibiotics in any form.

In some acute cases, even antibiotics don't go all the way. When antibiotics fail to perform, you can opt for isotretinoin or tretinoin cream to do the duty. But again, these remedies are strictly out of bounds for the expectant mother.
The aforementioned treatment options however, are ineffective when you are dealing with grave Rosacea conditions. The only way out in these cases is treatment along harsher lines. And remedies include laser therapy, dermabrasion or cryosurgery.

Particularly painful pimples require a shot of cortisone, which your dermatologist will of course tender and you can expect a reduction in the inflammation and redness within a few hours.
A reddened pimple is a serious enough situation to merit attention. But never in the form of pricking and squeezing it. Tips to cure redness in pimples are actually easy to follow and a clear, glowing skin is not too far away.

How To Get Rid Of Redness In Pimples - Red Alert Measures

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Arm Acne

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Acne is not only present on your face but also arms. Just like any area of your body, your arms have hair follicles. They are connected to sebaceous glands. Usually, when the dead cells and sebum clog the glands, acne will develop.

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If you sweat a lot especially while wearing tight fitting clothes, you are likely to encounter acne on your arms. Tight clothing tend to prevent the sebum and dead skin cells from shedding off from the skin. Consequently, the pores will get clogged and acne will develop.

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For acne prevention, it is better to wear loose clothing. Always change your clothes every day. You don't want the dirt and dust to block your pores.

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Sometimes, you find it tempting to scratch the acne on your arms. By all means, don't do it. You don't want to have arms full with scars.

If you go to gym for workout, you should shower after workout. This will keep your skin free from sebum and sweat. Shower will also wash away dead skin cells. Make sure that you arm is clean and dry after shower.

You can apply anti-acne creams or lotions that contain benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid on the skin where acne develops. Massage them into the skin, and then leave it on for 30 seconds. Then rinse it off. Bear in mind that benzyl peroxide can bleach your clothes. Therefore, wear loose clothing to avoid discoloration on your clothes.

Your arms don't have many oil glands as your face. Therefore, use mild acne treatments to prevent your skin from the inflammation and drying. Always keep your arms clean by washing them with a mild soap. Make sure that you don't scrub your arms as this will make the acne worse.

Sometimes, your arms develop known as keratosis pilaris. They appears as a bump of keratin protein in the hair openings. You can find them on your upper arms. They are not pimples. You can get rid of them by scrubbing your arms with a loofah.

Acne on arms may affect your self-esteem. With these simple tips, you can prevent and get rid of acne on your arms. If it still persists, then you should see a dermatologist for an appropriate treatment.

How To Get Rid Of Arm Acne

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Natural Antibiotics For Acne - Going Natural Against Acne

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Natural antibiotics are very underrated when it comes to treating acne. With all the side effects that the medical antibiotics carry while treating your acne, it may be a good choice to switch medical antibiotics to natural antibiotics. Research on long term consumption of medical antibiotics has shown a greater chance of bacterial tolerance and a degraded liver functionality. Currently you might not know what are the best natural antibiotics for acne and how to use them to your advantage, but I assure you that after reading this article you will know just exactly how to treat your acne without expensive and ineffective acne medication.

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What I am about to reveal to you is so powerful that you can just stop taking or using any special cleansers, cream, antibiotics, over the counter medications and so on.

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The big secret of natural antibiotics for acne

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We use antibiotics to kill acne causing bacterias. We have been using those pills or topical gel for such a long time effectively that it is very hard to ignore just how good they are at treating acne. But what most of us don't know yet is that antibiotics of natural sources exist and still do the job similarly well, if not better, than medical antibiotics.

Wondering what are the best natural antibiotics? Some of the best of these include ginger, turmeric, onions and the similar kinds of plant in the family. They are very good for your health if you just consume them regularly. My personal experience with these herbal remedies has told me that these most overlooked herbs can do a lot more than those conventional acne products or medications.

I have since then stopped using any expensive medicine and products after consuming these magical herbs. In other words I have saved at least a five thousand dollars on medical treatment, cleansers, pills, creams and other so called proactive acne solution.

How to use these magical herbs effectively:

You make juices out of them and drink glasses of these herbs as frequent as possible. Since there are no side effects, only positive effect you can expect your body to feel better after drinking these juices. I recommend that you pick one herb that you most like among these herbs and drink them as juices regularly, preferably 3 times a day or more. You can add these herbs to your food.
Basically, it is more effective to drink pure juices of these natural herbs.

Ginger, turmeric, onion and other herbs in this family are very effective at killing harmful bacterias, including those that cause acne. Without any side effects, you can consume them with a sense of relief knowing that they would not cause any long term harm to your body. These herbs also will improve your immune system as well as regulate your hormone system. Both of these aspects are very important to any part of your body, let alone your skin and acne condition.

With an improved immune system, you body itself will be able to kill acne causing bacterias as well as many many other benefits. And a balanced hormone system will reduce the production of sebum and the chances of the formation of hormonal acne.

Keep in mind that before you go on and try other expensive treatments and medications that are advertised heavily on the TV and magazines, give this treatment option a try too. Just for a month and you can expect your face and acne condition to improve a lot. I am handing you a greater and better solution than what you can get for the expensive acne medications.

Natural Antibiotics For Acne - Going Natural Against Acne

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