Friday, December 30, 2011

Reduce Pimple Redness - 7 Ways to Get Rid of Red Pimples Fast!

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If you are experiencing pimple redness and would like to learn how to reduce the redness of pimples fast, then read this collection of favorite home remedies and tips:

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1. Avoid the urge to pick, pop or squeeze a pimple. This could cause the spread of bacteria and you could end up with a permanent scar.

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2. To reduce the redness of a pimple, apply ice to the area every half hour. You should hold the ice on the affected area for about 2 minutes. The ice will reduce the swelling and can help with any pain you might be experiencing. Now use a makeup concealer with a tint of green to remove redness and hide the pimple.

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3. Apply a mixture of crushed aspirin and water to the affected area.

4. Apply a drop or two of Visine eye drops to the pimple.

5. Take some ibuprofen and swab the pimple with alcohol. It takes a couple of hours for the ibuprofen to kick it, but it relieves the pain and shrinks the swelling.

6. If you're in need of a quick fix, applying a bit of toothpaste to the affected area right before bed can help soothe pain and reduce redness.

7. Pressing and holding a wet tea bag or a cotton ball with a dab of lemon juice against the blemish for five minutes can reduce swelling and redness.

Remember, the best way to control pimples is through prevention. It is important to cleanse your skin 2 - 3 times per day to remove dirt, oil, makeup and dead skin cells. A moisturizer should also be used, if you are using any acne products like benzoyle peroxide to maintain the skin's moisture.

Reduce Pimple Redness - 7 Ways to Get Rid of Red Pimples Fast!

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Discolored Patches On Face - Why Do They Form?

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Discolored patches of color on the face that cover the upper lip, cheeks or forehead can make you look bad. What are they and how do they form? Let us find out more about these colored patches or melasma as it is called. This is a problem both for men and women, and not only for women, as it is wrongly believed. Let us find out more so you can stop them.

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Skin- Why Do Colored Patches Form?

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The color of our skin is because of melanin that is produced by cells called-melanocytes. These melanocytes sometimes get hyper active and produce much more melanin than needed. This activity can be triggered by some phototoxic allergies, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy etc. If you use a product that is photo toxic there are very good possibilities that you will develop melasma. Photo toxic means that the product is safe for use if no sun is present, but will produce allergy as soon as sunrays strike it. Hair dyes are a good example of this. In women during pregnancy and while taking birth control pills, hormones activate the melanocytes in the skin and produce more of melanin-the skin color. You will therefore get the colored patches on the facial skin.

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Skin And Sun protection-

Protect your skin from sun as much as possible. The sun is activating factor for melanin. If you protect your skin from sun, you will save lot of damage to skin including keeping these colored patches away.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

Discolored Patches On Face - Why Do They Form?

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Panthenol and Your Skin - What You Need to Know

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Panthenol is a non-irriating form of Vitamin B that is usually derived from plants. When this natural, hydrating vitamin is applied externally, it penetrates into lower skin layers, gets absorbed into your skin cells and turns into pantothenic acid (commonly known as Vitamin B5). Because panthenol is absorbed deeply into the skin, it adds essential moisture and has a desirable plumping effect.

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Panthenol, with its humectant-like properties, penetrates into layers beneath the surface of your skin so it can be used to treat a myriad of minor skin disorders and irritations. This natural substance is safe to use on your skin and can even be administered internally. In 1984, panthenol was included in the list of over the counter drugs published by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In 1987, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) concluded that panthenol was safe to use in cosmetics as a humectant, emollient and moisturizer.

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Over the past twenty years, panthenol has been effectively used to treat sunburns, irritations, dryness and other minor skin disorders. This non-toxic vitamin has incredible absorption properties and helps to diminish wrinkles by infusing moisture into the deeper layers of your skin. In 1995, a study conducted by LH Leung also suggested panthenol as an alternative treatment for acne because it counteracts bacteria. Panthenol can be found in a variety of skin care products developed to treat dry, normal, combination and acne-prone skin.

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Using panthenol in your skin will help to keep it smooth by helping to maintain its natural moisture balance and counteracting surface bacteria. Panthenol reduces inflammation, soothes irritation and initiates the rebuilding of your skin. The healing properties of this vitamin have also been proven to be beneficial for stronger hair and nails.

The regular use of moisturizers, toners, shampoos and conditioners that include panthenol naturally ensure a softer, more attractive appearance everyday.

Panthenol and Your Skin - What You Need to Know

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Vitamin B6, Chromium and Selenium For Acne

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The LACK of certain nutrients can contribute to the acne problem. We all know that regardless of what Granny says, chocolate doesn't cause acne, and neither do French fries or carbonated soft drinks. It is widely accepted as fact that one the most important factors in fighting acne is complete and correct facial cleansing twice daily.

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The other important factor in keeping acne at bay is eating a diet that promotes healthy skin. Sadly, the usual Western teenager diet doesn't even come close. Pizza, hamburgers, French fries, hot dogs, potato chips, and candy bars don't contain very few is any of the nutrients necessary to promote healthy skin.

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There are many nutrients that are important to the health of the skin. Here we will discuss only three of them.

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Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 has many functions in the human body. It acts to help maintain blood sugar levels, for one thing. Foods that are high in vitamin B6 are fortified or whole grain cereals, beans, meat, poultry, fish, and some fruits and vegetables.

One result of a vitamin B6 deficiency is dermatitis. Vitamin B6 is included in multivitamin, multimineral supplement capsules, so taking a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement can help and those who have acne should probably take additional B6 supplements.

Chromium: Chromium is a nutrient that is required by the human body to maintain blood sugar levels. There is a direct correlation between sugar consumed and chromium needed. More sugar ingested = more chromium required. Research has proven beyond any doubt that people with high blood sugar levels have more severe outbreaks of acne, and that when chromium is given in sufficiently high doses, the skin clears up. Chromium can be found in brewer's yeast and molasses but it is difficult to get enough chromium in any diet. A supplement that contains chromium is recommended.

Selenium: You've probably seen selenium mentioned in the news lately because selenium has been found to help prevent some cancers. Researchers have known for a long time that selenium, when given with Vitamins A and E, does reduce the severity of an acne outbreak.

Vitamin B6, Chromium and Selenium For Acne

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Monday, December 26, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Redness In Pimples - Red Alert Measures

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Don't be taken in by what your neighbors claim to be a miracle cure for pimples and the accompanying redness. This is actually their payback time for all the times you had forgotten to return their books and the garden tools. So beware! If you are wondering how to get rid of redness in pimples and feeling like tearing your hair, then take heart. There are an umpteen number of cures, and all quite simple ones at that, which will help you with your ungainly marks and spots.

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Remedies to Remove Redness in Pimples

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Rosacea, also known as "adult acne" is the condition of redness in pimples. In many people, this condition of redness actually has some specific triggers. Say a cup of tea or coffee, or a drink or two and even hot, peppery food. Long periods of stress and the sun rays too are possible triggers. If you are lucky enough to have spotted the triggers, then the sole way to get rid of the redness is to steer well clear off them.

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But there are actually more people afflicted with the problem of persistently reddened pimples. And for them a mudpack is an option worth exploring. This particular facial mask will help the pimple shrivel and disappear in no time at all, and with it, it will be bye-bye to the redness too.

When you are practically reeling with pimple redness, cakes of make-up and harsh skincare products are to be kept at bay. These further lead to inflammation of the skin and aggravate your pimple predicament.

There are a few quick-fix home remedies to cure the problem of redness in pimples. An ice cube held over the pimple for about 20-minutes followed by a dab of milk is quite an effective solution. So is holding a wet tea bag or a cotton swab dipped in lemon juice against the pimple for about five minutes.

Untreated Rosacea can lead to severe bumps in the facial region especially on the nose. So, dermatologists usually waste no time in prescribing antibiotic gels and lotions for the mild Rosacea cases and antibiotic pills like tetracycline (which is especially beneficial for eye complications arising out of Rosacea) to get rid of the pimple problem.

You can expect results with the antibiotic treatment in about 3-4 weeks. However, pregnant women are advised against use of antibiotics in any form.

In some acute cases, even antibiotics don't go all the way. When antibiotics fail to perform, you can opt for isotretinoin or tretinoin cream to do the duty. But again, these remedies are strictly out of bounds for the expectant mother.
The aforementioned treatment options however, are ineffective when you are dealing with grave Rosacea conditions. The only way out in these cases is treatment along harsher lines. And remedies include laser therapy, dermabrasion or cryosurgery.

Particularly painful pimples require a shot of cortisone, which your dermatologist will of course tender and you can expect a reduction in the inflammation and redness within a few hours.
A reddened pimple is a serious enough situation to merit attention. But never in the form of pricking and squeezing it. Tips to cure redness in pimples are actually easy to follow and a clear, glowing skin is not too far away.

How To Get Rid Of Redness In Pimples - Red Alert Measures

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Arm Acne

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Acne is not only present on your face but also arms. Just like any area of your body, your arms have hair follicles. They are connected to sebaceous glands. Usually, when the dead cells and sebum clog the glands, acne will develop.

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If you sweat a lot especially while wearing tight fitting clothes, you are likely to encounter acne on your arms. Tight clothing tend to prevent the sebum and dead skin cells from shedding off from the skin. Consequently, the pores will get clogged and acne will develop.

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For acne prevention, it is better to wear loose clothing. Always change your clothes every day. You don't want the dirt and dust to block your pores.

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Sometimes, you find it tempting to scratch the acne on your arms. By all means, don't do it. You don't want to have arms full with scars.

If you go to gym for workout, you should shower after workout. This will keep your skin free from sebum and sweat. Shower will also wash away dead skin cells. Make sure that you arm is clean and dry after shower.

You can apply anti-acne creams or lotions that contain benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid on the skin where acne develops. Massage them into the skin, and then leave it on for 30 seconds. Then rinse it off. Bear in mind that benzyl peroxide can bleach your clothes. Therefore, wear loose clothing to avoid discoloration on your clothes.

Your arms don't have many oil glands as your face. Therefore, use mild acne treatments to prevent your skin from the inflammation and drying. Always keep your arms clean by washing them with a mild soap. Make sure that you don't scrub your arms as this will make the acne worse.

Sometimes, your arms develop known as keratosis pilaris. They appears as a bump of keratin protein in the hair openings. You can find them on your upper arms. They are not pimples. You can get rid of them by scrubbing your arms with a loofah.

Acne on arms may affect your self-esteem. With these simple tips, you can prevent and get rid of acne on your arms. If it still persists, then you should see a dermatologist for an appropriate treatment.

How To Get Rid Of Arm Acne

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Natural Antibiotics For Acne - Going Natural Against Acne

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Natural antibiotics are very underrated when it comes to treating acne. With all the side effects that the medical antibiotics carry while treating your acne, it may be a good choice to switch medical antibiotics to natural antibiotics. Research on long term consumption of medical antibiotics has shown a greater chance of bacterial tolerance and a degraded liver functionality. Currently you might not know what are the best natural antibiotics for acne and how to use them to your advantage, but I assure you that after reading this article you will know just exactly how to treat your acne without expensive and ineffective acne medication.

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What I am about to reveal to you is so powerful that you can just stop taking or using any special cleansers, cream, antibiotics, over the counter medications and so on.

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The big secret of natural antibiotics for acne

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We use antibiotics to kill acne causing bacterias. We have been using those pills or topical gel for such a long time effectively that it is very hard to ignore just how good they are at treating acne. But what most of us don't know yet is that antibiotics of natural sources exist and still do the job similarly well, if not better, than medical antibiotics.

Wondering what are the best natural antibiotics? Some of the best of these include ginger, turmeric, onions and the similar kinds of plant in the family. They are very good for your health if you just consume them regularly. My personal experience with these herbal remedies has told me that these most overlooked herbs can do a lot more than those conventional acne products or medications.

I have since then stopped using any expensive medicine and products after consuming these magical herbs. In other words I have saved at least a five thousand dollars on medical treatment, cleansers, pills, creams and other so called proactive acne solution.

How to use these magical herbs effectively:

You make juices out of them and drink glasses of these herbs as frequent as possible. Since there are no side effects, only positive effect you can expect your body to feel better after drinking these juices. I recommend that you pick one herb that you most like among these herbs and drink them as juices regularly, preferably 3 times a day or more. You can add these herbs to your food.
Basically, it is more effective to drink pure juices of these natural herbs.

Ginger, turmeric, onion and other herbs in this family are very effective at killing harmful bacterias, including those that cause acne. Without any side effects, you can consume them with a sense of relief knowing that they would not cause any long term harm to your body. These herbs also will improve your immune system as well as regulate your hormone system. Both of these aspects are very important to any part of your body, let alone your skin and acne condition.

With an improved immune system, you body itself will be able to kill acne causing bacterias as well as many many other benefits. And a balanced hormone system will reduce the production of sebum and the chances of the formation of hormonal acne.

Keep in mind that before you go on and try other expensive treatments and medications that are advertised heavily on the TV and magazines, give this treatment option a try too. Just for a month and you can expect your face and acne condition to improve a lot. I am handing you a greater and better solution than what you can get for the expensive acne medications.

Natural Antibiotics For Acne - Going Natural Against Acne

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Friday, December 23, 2011

How to Remove Dye From Hair

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How to remove dye from hair which is designed to ... well, dye, change the color of, alter stuff. And it does it - very well.

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Trouble comes when it gets on places you don't want it - like your face, or clothes, or carpet.

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Or you decide that the color 'to die for' just did.

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There are some commercial products to remove dye from hair, and a few home potions and processes.

Color Fix by Jheri Redding is designed to remove unwanted permant hair color, and controlled usage allows color correction to specific areas, either full or slight color corrections.

Loreal Color Zap gently washes away all permanent haircolor. Ideal for color correction, removal of dark shades, muddy, uneven results or color build up. Leaves hair ready for immediate re-coloring. Loreal Effasol Color Remover washes away permanent haircolor, leaving hair ready for recoloring. Can be used with water or developer.

Jerome Rusell's Punky Color Punk Off is an easy to use gel that will cleanse your skin from hair dye stains.

Roux Clean Touch is a gentle formula that removes haircolor from skin and scalp. Removes excess color from hair ends and assists in removing stains from clothing.

Home remedies include this one:

Hot Oil treatments, hairspray, shampooing and exposure to water will gradually fade hair dye.

To remove the last bit of residue or stain on the hair (or to get color out immediately) make up a small batch of bleach mixture and add it to 2 tablespoons or so of shampoo in a cup. Stir it up.

Shampoo your hair with this mixture, "kneading" the hair. Start at the roots and work your way down to the end, and then back up.

You should see the color disappear right before your eyes.

Black hair dye is a special case.

It's very hard to remove black hair dye from your hair completely, especially if it's permanent. Better to let it grow out and not bleach it. Bleaching with chemicals damages the hair it may make it so stretchy and thin that it comes out in your comb.

Likewise if black hair dye stains skin or fabric. The best way is to prevent it from staining in the first place by applying Vaseline around the hairline before dyeing.

If black hair dye stains fabric then using detergent and water quickly is a good idea - otherwise dry cleaning may be required.

Black hair dye stains can also be removed by rubbing cigarette ash over the stained skin, dipping milk in cotton balls and rubbing over the stained area, rubbing on WD-40 or even nail polish remover or hair spray.

How to Remove Dye From Hair

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Apple Cider Vinegar For Acne - The Best Kept Skin Care Secret

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Apple Cider Vinegar can do wonders for your skin. In fact, it is the best treatment for acne that I have ever found; hands down. And the best part... it's 100% all natural!

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There are two ways to incorporate apple cider vinegar into your skin care regimen. To help clear acne, apple cider vinegar can be taken orally or applied topically. For best results, I recommend trying both!

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Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar to Improve your Skin

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When ingested, apple cider vinegar promotes liver health. Proper liver function is absolutely essential for clear and beautiful skin. Why? The livers job within the body is to remove toxins from our system. An overload of toxins, caused by a poorly functioning liver is a very common cause of acne.

Furthermore, apple cider vinegar helps regulate digestion which is another key for clear and beautiful skin. For optimum benefit, take approximately 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar 3 times a day.

Applying Apple Cider Vinegar Topically to Improve Acne

I have personally seen the best results when applying apple cider vinegar topically. Not only did my acne drastically improve, but my facial redness disappeared as well. In addition, my skin became much less oily and shiny as it was able to perfectly control my skins pH levels.

That's one of the great benefits of apple cider vinegar. Instead of just healing acne alone, it improves all aspects of your complexion. After all, what's the good in clearing up your acne if in doing so you turn your skin so red and oily that your entire face looks like a giant zit!

What's the best way to apply ACV (apple cider vinegar) for the best results?

When first starting out, dilute the vinegar with water to an approximate 10% solution. Apply the concoction with a cotton pad 1-3 times daily. Treat the ACV as a toner and leave it on your skin throughout the day.

Once your skin gets used to the 10% solution, if needed, you can gradually increase the amount of ACV until you are using it in its original form.

Negatives of Using ACV for Skin Care

As with anything else, there are some negatives associated with using apple cider vinegar as a natural organic skin care solution. First of all, it tastes really bad... plain and simple! The best way to deal with this negative aspect of ingesting ACV is to either drink it in shots or combine it with large amounts of water to minimize the bad taste.

I personally like to take it in shots and then chase it down with honey. I've also tried adding a small amount of ACV to all my bottles of water that I drink throughout the day.

When applied topically, the smell of the apple cider vinegar on your skin takes some time to dissipate. For the first few hours it will be somewhat noticeable to those around you. It's not a big deal if you don't mind smelling like a salad!

Here's a little trick: Apply the ACV immediately when you wake up so that by the time you are ready to go out the smell will be gone. This always seemed to work for me.

Finally, for the first few weeks of applying ACV on the skin, the fumes will burn your eyes. It's an effect very similar to the one experienced from cutting fresh onions. Once you get used to the ACV, this will no longer be a problem.

Despite some of the negatives, the benefits of apple cider vinegar make this a natural organic skin care nutrient that must be tried. I doubt you will be disappointed!

Apple Cider Vinegar For Acne - The Best Kept Skin Care Secret

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Noni Soap: Relief for Eczema, Acne and Skin Irritations?

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Noni soap is made from the fruit of the noni plant, Morinda citrifolia L. While noni products such as noni juice have gained notoriety for their internal health benefits, topical applications of noni should not be overlooked. If you struggle with eczema, acne or other skin irritations, noni soap may represent a natural treatment for relief.

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What Can Noni Soap Do For My Skin?

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The noni plant has analgesic (pain killing), anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal components which may assist the body in the restoration of healthy skin cells. Noni has been shown to increase cellular repair and regeneration, as well as assist the body in improved cleansing and elimination of toxins which may prohibit healthy skin.

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Furthermore, research has shown that the seeds of the noni fruit are especially rich in linoleic acid. Linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid which is a powerful ally for skin hydration and health. Aside from preventing dry skin, such fatty acids also counteract skin trauma, allowing the skin to rejuvenate. Taken together, the constituents of noni make soap made from the fruit and seeds of the plant a smart choice to try if you suffer from skin eruptions and rough, irritated skin.

What Other Ingredients Are Added to Noni Soap?

The additional ingredients which are added to soap made from vary depending on the producer. Smart choices to look for include: noni leaf-infused olive oil, soy oil or coconut oil - all of which are known to assist the skin through hydration and rejuvenation.

Buy noni soap infused with essential oils to add an additional layer of healing benefits and aromatherapy to your daily cleanse. Essential oils to try include: peppermint oil(energizing), rosemary and lavender oil (exfoliating/calming), lemon oil(uplifting), plumeria (comforting) or ginger and papaya (refreshing/healing.) Aside from leaving a pleasant smell on your skin, each of these ingredients combines with noni to create a uniquely suited cleansing experience which your skin will love.

Where Can I Find Organic Noni Soap?

Since some pesticides have been known to irritate the skin, the best soap is made from organic ingredients. The best place to find organic noni soap is from small, USDA certified producers. (They also have the best prices!) Look for companies who make soap which is cold processed (to best retain noni's healing components), and who are committed to the production of the highest quality noni products, using only the finest, purest ingredients.

Noni Soap: Relief for Eczema, Acne and Skin Irritations?

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

10 Tips to Keep Psoriasis beneath Control

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Psoriasis is a chronic, recurring, non-contagious skin disorder that is characterized by raised, thickened reddish patches on the skin covered with silvery-white scales that may vary in severity and affect any part of the body, including the nails, scalp and the genital region. There are about 125 million psoriasis sufferers world wide. This makes up 3% of the world's total population! It is estimated that six to seven million Americans have psoriasis, and each year 150,000 to 260,000 new cases are diagnosed.

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The incidence of psoriasis is much lower in dark-skinned West Africans and African-Americans than in light-skinned persons of European origin. Incidence is also low in the Eskimos and the Japanese, and is extremely rare in Native Americans. Genetic, geographic and environmental factors may play a major role in this striking disparity between the races.

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Most psoriasis patients undergo intense emotional turmoil while they fight to control their disease which tends to have periods of flare ups and remissions the year around. Though no cure has yet been discovered, observing certain principles in life style and skin care management will provide patients a scope for optimum control of the disease. Following are a few tips that would be useful for the psoriasis sufferers:

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1. Maintain desirable health habits. Psoriasis flare ups are common when you are weak or tired. Taking a balanced diet while reducing red meats and alcohol will go a long way in helping the skin to maintain a calm milieu interior. Patients should also drink plenty of water and get at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day. Do moderate exercises at least 3-4 times every week.

Remember that good nutrition, rest and exercise tune up your body and mind and keep up the equilibrium which is essential to reduce the psoriasis flare ups. These healthy habits will also reduce the chances of contracting infection, another important factor in psoriasis aggravations.

I always remind my patients that medications have only about 30% role in the management of psoriasis. Rest of the 70% involves lifestyle adjustments.

2. Quit Smoking. Many studies have pointed out that pustular psoriasis of the palms and soles, a variant of psoriasis, is aggravated by smoking. Patients who quit smoking found their lesions clearing up faster. Research also suggests that severity of psoriasis may be linked to smoking. Hence it is highly imperative that you totally give up smoking if you want to get rid of those itchy, scaly, red patches.

3. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol is a trigger for psoriasis. There is no doubt about it. Though some dermatologists allow moderate consumption of alcohol in psoriasis, it is my personal observation that even a small quantity of alcohol (like a glass of wine or beer) does cause flare ups in patients. Hence the verdict is - No Alcohol in any forms!

4. Learn to manage your stress. Stress has long been linked to the induction and exacerbation of all types of psoriasis. As mentioned above, psoriasis can be considered a life style disease (much like hypertension or increased blood pressure), a combination of genetic predisposition and psycho- neuro-immuno-hormonal triggers playing a significant role in the causation, initial triggering and maintenance of the disease.

Psoriatics should try to learn and master any one of the stress management techniques like progressive relaxation, biofeedback, yoga etc. Counselling sessions and psoriasis support group participations will be beneficial for those who find it difficult to relax by themselves. According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, stress reduction works best when combined with appropriate medical treatment.

5. Avoid aggravating medications. Certain medications taken for other diseases can aggravate or even precipitate psoriasis. Medications that can trigger psoriasis are:

Anti-malarial drugs like chloroquineBeta-blockers (medication used to treat high blood pressure) and heart medication. Corticosteroids. Steroids are double edged swords. They can control severe psoriasis quickly, but sudden withdrawal can cause severe flare ups. Personally I avoid prescribing steroids to my patients unless it is absolutely necessary, that is, psoriasis is severely compromising their quality of life. Only after exhausting other treatment modalities do I take up this group of medications and most patients would do well to steer clear of steroids as a first line of treatment for psoriasis. Even topical steroids should be used very carefully and under medical supervision in psoriasis.Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like indomethacin worsen psoriasis in most patients.Lithium , the antipsychotic drug is a known aggravator of psoriasis.If you have a family history of psoriasis or you are suffering from the disease, inform your physician if you are taking any of the above drugs. Your doctor may be able to substitute alternate medication.

6. Avoid Scratching, rubbing and picking at the lesions. Any injury to the skin in both involved and uninvolved areas can produce new psoriasis lesions by irritating the basal layer of the skin and switching on the spurting action of the epidermal cells. Research shows that about 50% of people with psoriasis experience the 'Koebner phenomenon' - developing a psoriatic lesion at the site of a skin injury. Hence patients should carefully avoid any direct injury to the skin. Scrubbing to remove the scales is a mistake, as this can worsen the disease.

7. Treat any infectious foci at the earliest. Studies show that some infections can trigger psoriasis. Streptococcal throat infections often precedes an outbreak of guttate psoriasis(small drop like lesions), especially in children. Inverse or flexural psoriasis is frequently aggravated by a candidal infection in the folds. Severe generalized psoriasis recalcitrant to treatment is seen in immunodeficient conditions like HIV infection. Treating the infection lessens or clears the psoriasis in most cases. Also look for signs of any infectious foci in your mouth(dental caries), throat(tonsillitis), sinusitis, gall bladder(cholecystitis), urinary bladder(cystitis) etc. Finding and treating these infections could give much better control over your psoriasis status.

8. Treat the disease before it worsens. Most effective way to stop the itching and appearance of new lesions in psoriasis is to treat the psoriasis properly as soon as the lesions appear. Consult your dermatologist at the earliest sign of a break out.

9. Take good care of your skin. Keeping the skin moist and supple is of paramount importance in psoriasis. Any dryness will increase the scaling, flaking and itching which will further aggravate the condition.

Soak in a luke-warm oatmeal bath. This relieves itching and hydrates the skin layers.Pat your skin dry; do not rub or scrub. See tip number 6 above. Developing a habit of gently patting your skin dry is advisable.Apply emollients and moisturizers. Emollients soften the skin. Moisturizers lock in the skin's own moisture to prevent dryness and cracking. One of the best ways to lock in moisture is to apply moisturizer after bathing. Regular use of moisturizers can help prevent the itch and pain of dry skin and reduce scaling and inflammation. A urea containing lotion is preferred during the day and a cream or ointment(if you don't mind a little messiness) at night to maintain the hydration of the epidermal layers.Use sunscreen. Patients using retinoids should apply sunscreen 15 to 20 minutes before going outdoors and wear protective clothing. Sun exposure can cause sunburn, which can in turn trigger psoriasis. But complete avoidance of sun can cause more harm than good. A moderate supply of UV rays is indeed good for clearing up of the psoriatic lesions! Wear cotton clothing .Synthetics will irritate and heat up the skin and worsen psoriasis and are best avoided. If you have to wear them, wear thick cotton undergarments beneath.Look out for winter worsening: Cold, dry weather worsens psoriasis. Emollient creams and ointments should be used copiously during winter months. Before application of the moisturizer, remember to moist the skin with luke warm water. The use of humidifiers, both at home and work, can add moisture to the air in winter months and help in avoiding exacerbations. Remember that air-conditioning can dry out the skin and aggravate psoriasis just like winter! Keeping the AC to minimum required coolness and regular application of moisturizing creams can overcome this problem.

10. Learn to live with Psoriasis. While there is no permanent cure, psoriasis can be successfully managed so that one experiences more good days than bad. Numerous treatment options are available, and recent advances are revolutionizing the management and care of psoriasis. No single treatment will be effective for all patients. Hence a dermatologist will consider a patient's overall health, age, lifestyle, and the severity of the psoriasis and then decide on a treatment option that will achieve maximum effectiveness.

Psoriasis patients will do well to keep a positive mental attitude towards life and its happenings. Remember, any negative signal from the mind is an instant trigger for psoriasis!

Psoriasis, though quite a common disease, has not received the attention it deserves from the health authorities in most countries. As a result, the much needed awareness campaigns and funding of research projects have been lagging behind for decades. It was in this context that in 2004 the first World Psoriasis day was launched. Conceived by patients for patients, World Psoriasis Day is a truly global event that sets out to give an international voice to the 125 million psoriasis sufferers.

Visit to learn more about the World Psoriasis Day on October 29th. There, you can also sign a petition calling on the World Health Organization to recognize psoriasis as a serious disease worth more attention and research projects than is presently available. This will give a boost to the Psoriasis Support Groups and will also bring in more resources to the world wide psoriasis research scenario.

10 Tips to Keep Psoriasis beneath Control

Creams For Acne

Monday, December 19, 2011

Organic Face Creams With Amazing Nano Lipobelle H-EQ10 and Cynergy TK

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In the past few years, several new ingredients have been discovered and tested specifically for skincare. Two that have been shown to be highly effective and safe include Nano Lipobelle H-EQ10 and Cynergy TK. Not only are these ingredients organic, but they are also loaded with antioxidants needed to fight off damage caused by free radicals and restore healthy skin.

Creams For Acne

A common challenge is finding face cream made from organic Nano Lipobelle H-EQ10 and/or Cynergy TK. This product would not be found in high-end department stores or through an infomercial but it does exist. You can start by checking with your local health food or supplement store, as well as research online where you will find many reputable companies who are devoted to providing consumers only with the best organic skincare products available.

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Unfortunately, most skincare products sold, especially those with brand names and high price tags, contain harmful chemicals that can damage the skin and put a person's health at risk. To get by in calling the product "natural", a very small amount of plant oil or extract is added. However, most of the product contains synthetics or preservatives that do not help fight the signs of aging and they can cause illness such as cancer.

Creams For Acne

For years, collagen was the ingredient of choice and while it works, it is only good for surface change. Collagen actually occurs naturally in the body but with age, its production diminishes. Since collagen in skincare products is only topical, even applying liberally to the skin will do little good. As you search for organic products, especially those containing Nano Lipobelle H-EQ10 and/or Cynergy TK, you want to make sure that the majority of ingredient is plant or vegetable based.

The reason choosing plant or vegetable based product is that these ingredients are very close to what the body produces on its own. In addition, the ingredients are also much easier to absorb so they reach a deeper level of the skin. The result is skin that has been hydrated so it looks much more youthful. What you want to avoid is any product made with mineral oil or petroleum jelly that clog pores.

Although a number of ingredients have surfaced, Nano Lipobelle H-EQ10 and Cynergy TK are without doubt the ones that are getting a ton of attention and for good reason. Now, when buying products made with these ingredients, it is vital that the H-EQ10 is in the right form. Commonly, you would find this listed as nano-emulsified CoenzymeQ10. Then, if the product also contains vitamin E, that makes it even better for protecting and penetrating.

Today, organic face cream is a popular choice but it is still not being produced in as many countries as it should be. New Zealand has made huge advancements by creating top products that contain Nano Lipobelle H-EQ10 and Cynergy TK. New Zealand has also come up with products made with Phytessence Wakame, which is brown sea kelp out of Japan and Manuka honey. Other ingredients to look for include maracuja passion fruit extract, babassu palm oil, among others.

If you want to recapture a more youthful look with healthy, glowing skin, then we recommend you search for quality, organic face cream that contains Nano Lipobelle H-EQ10 and/or Cynergy TK. Sure, there are many ingredients that will diminish the appearance of age but not work as effectively as this. 

Organic Face Creams With Amazing Nano Lipobelle H-EQ10 and Cynergy TK

Creams For Acne

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Homemade Remedies For Pimples - Get Rid of Pimples Overnight

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Have you got a pimple overnight and you have to attend an important event? Nothing can be more annoying than a pimple on your face on such moments. The good news is that you can get rid of them with simple homemade remedies for pimples in no time.

Creams For Acne

You have to remember never to squeeze your pimples. This will spread the bacteria and will make the matter worse, resulting in a face full of spots and even severe acne. The scars on your face are much more difficult to clear than the pimples themselves.

Creams For Acne

Lemon juice is very effective in releasing the red spots. You can squeeze a lemon and mix it with water. This mixture you can apply it when your pimples with the help of a cotton pad. After half on hour you can wash your face with warm water. For some people applying some toothpaste seems to work.

Creams For Acne

The creams or ointments containing salicylic acid or benzene peroxide are very effective to clear pimples. However, you should be careful if our skin is sensitive or dry.

The best way to treat acne and the best homemade remedies that I know are that witch helps you prevent the occurrence of acne. You can do this by drinking a lot of water during the day. This helps eliminate the toxins from your body and your kidneys too. Washing regularly is a must to avoid acne problems. Using just warm water or a cleanser special made for acne skin problems may help.

We are what we eat. And,in the case of acne, it is so true. Eating junk-food will do you no help. Try to avoid oily foods, sweet drinks, coffee, chocolate as they trigger acne outbreaks. Instead drinking fresh juices made from apples or oranges are very good. You must eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits daily if you want to get rid of acne fast.

Homemade Remedies For Pimples - Get Rid of Pimples Overnight

Creams For Acne

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Side Effects With Using Hydrocortisone Cream As Eczema Treatment

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In my teens, I was first introduced to using hydrocortisone cream for my eczema treatment. Since then, every time I had an outbreak, I would turn to it. This continued for more than ten years. However, in the last few years, I noticed that increasingly applying hydrocortisone creams on my affected skin is not as effective as before. In fact, it got harder and harder to control my eczema. My affected skin also got thinner and I would get abrasions very easily. I then decided to find out the truth behind the side effects of using hydrocortisone creams.

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Hydrocortisone cream (1%) is one kind of topical corticosteroids and is easily available at your local store without prescription. They are packaged in various forms such as creams and lotions and are marketed under different brands.

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Corticosteroid creams are topical skin applications which are used for skin itching, redness, discomfort and other skin-related problems. They come in varying strengths. Stronger ones are only available via prescription by your doctor. Corticosteroids are referred to as steroids. The term steroids often have a negative ring to it because of a number of side effects that this drug is known to bring. Corticosteroids for eczema are different from anabolic steroids, which are used by some athletes to increase their endurance.

Creams For Acne

However, just like any other type of drugs, hydrocortisone cream for eczema treatment also has its own side effects especially if you do not administer it properly. You should always check to see if you are allergic to steroids in the first place. Ask your doctor if in doubt. Secondly, as I have found out, prolonged use can cause skin to thin out. This is a condition known as atrophy. Because your skin is now more sensitive due to thinning out, you are more prone to skin abrasion and infection. That is why if you have eczema and have used hydrocortisone cream for weeks or months, you are more susceptible to a fungi and bacteria infection. With an infection, your eczema symptoms are sure to worsen.

You also get the appearance of stretch marks with prolonged use. Your blood vessels swell and there is loss of skin pigment in the affected areas. Your bloodstream may also absorb the strong steroids and this can affect other body systems. In the worst case scenario, it can also suppress the production of your natural adrenaline, thus causing you to be prone to a lot of illness including Cushing's syndrome.

In all situations, it is in your best interest to minimize the use of hydrocortisone creams or corticosteroids for your eczema treatment. If you need to use them, do so sparingly and use only as directed. If you find that your medication is not working within a week, stop its usage and see a skin doctor right away. You may need a stronger prescription. It is far better to treat your eczema with an appropriate strength medication than to use one that is not effective. A stronger prescription also allows you to get your eczema treated within a shorter period of time. In addition, look for alternative eczema treatment options which are natural and potentially produce fewer or no side effects.

Side Effects With Using Hydrocortisone Cream As Eczema Treatment

Creams For Acne

Friday, December 16, 2011

Home Remedies For Dog Constipation

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There comes a time in everyone's life when constipation rears its ugly head. The same holds true for dogs, unfortunately. Lack of exercise and proper diet can lead to bouts of constipation (sound familiar?). While you may seek a variety of ways to "eliminate" this problem in your own life, let's explore some home remedies for dog constipation which can be utilized in the eventuality it occurs in theirs.

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As mentioned earlier, a proper diet and exercise are key components in ensuring your dog has the ability to move his bowels as often as necessary. House dogs usually need to be walked twice a day while maintaining a proper diet. If your dog becomes constipated, one method to alleviate this problem is by adding one to two teaspoons of bran to his meal. This allows for extra moisture in the stool.

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Another method to soften the stool would be to add psyllium (Metamucil in the adult world) to his diet. Half a teaspoon twice a day, in addition to drinking plenty of water, will suffice. A third option would be mineral oil. This may be used in cases where there is a large build-up of hard stool. Two teaspoons, twice a day should be added to his meal, but for only a week. There are several other steps you can take to alleviate your dog's constipation. Keep his food moist by adding a bit of water. If your dog is getting on in years, add some raw meat and vegetables to his diet.

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There are certain signs which can alert you to potential problems, and for which you can take immediate steps. Long hair on dogs can cause feces to become entangled; therefore, keep your dog properly groomed. Dogs tend to eat everything in sight, ensure no bones or other material has been ingested. Just as we experience constipation due to certain medications, dogs are no exception. Psychological stress is another indicator relating to constipation.

While it has been suggested that all breeds and dogs of any age are prone to constipation, there are other aspects which you may need to consider, and for which many dog owners are culpable. Never feed your dog from the dinner table. While you may indulge the dog with a few scraps here and there, you are contributing to his constipation.

Foods that contain flour, sugar, rice, dairy and high protein are the main source of the problem. Ice cream, cookies, bread, chocolate, or other unhealthy food items can cause your dog unnecessary pain. As mentioned earlier, a lack of fiber and dehydration are common causes. Another cause for concern would be a condition known as mega colon. This simply means your dog has an inflamed colon which prevents the discharge of feces.

The time to visit the vet will become evident when your dog's inability to defecate is hampered by a decreased appetite, passing blood in minimal amounts, and overall lethargy. Keep in mind, contributing to the overall health of your dog should be of the utmost importance. A dog's love is unconditional, therefore, he or she is totally dependent upon you to maintain a healthy and harmonious life. Be ever vigilant to any signs of stress and ensure his diet and exercise regimen is appropriate and on-going.

Home Remedies For Dog Constipation

Creams For Acne

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Which Age Spot Cream Should I Use, a Natural Skin Whitening Cream or a Retinoid?

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If you are looking for an age spot cream, you've probably considered talking to your dermatologist about prescribing you a retinoid cream. Or you've considered purchasing one of the over-the-counter varieties. If so, you may want to reconsider and opt for a natural alternative instead. In this article, I will discuss reasons why you may want to stay away from retinoids and why natural alternatives are much better.

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For many years, people have used retinoids often to treat skin acne. These creams are a class of chemical compounds that contain vitamin A. In recent years, people have turned to these types of creams for treating age-related skin problems such as age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles. While retinoids offer many benefits, they can be harsh on the skin, especially of the sensitive type. This is why they are usually prescribed under careful supervision.

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Retinoids work by scuffing off the old skin cells, allowing new ones to generate. However, such compounds can produce harsh side effects while treating your age spots or other skin problems. Side effects that could occur include: redness, dry skin, and peeling skin. By exposing your skin to the sun, the side effects can be even more severe. That's why dermatologists advise their patients to use sunscreen when applying retinoids.

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Now, you're probably wondering what other age spot cream is available. And you're probably wondering why retinoids have been touted often as the choice for getting rid of age spots. Well, believe or not, the answer simply is: they are a quick fix. This is usually the case with all scientifically formulated topical creams. However, you must pay a price sometimes when using such formulations.

The alternative is to use an age spot cream that can treat and nourish you skin holistically. One cream that falls under this realm is one which contains extrapone nutgrass, a powerful natural ingredient that inhibits melanin by up to 40%. Symrise, a reputable German company, introduced this ingredient as part of a range of plants from Ayurvedic medicine. According to studies, extrapone nutgrass whitens skin gradually without causing any side effects.

In addition to using extrapone nutgrass to get rid of age spots and other skin blemishes, using other natural ingredients is paramount to achieving optimal skin care. Enhancing the natural skin rejuvenation processes through ingredients that work synergistically produces a moist foundation for skin that is able to sustain a natural, radiant glow. This is not something you can achieve through long-term use of retinoids, as it can cause dry, unhealthy skin.

So, there you have it! Age spot creams consisting of a retinoid do not tackle skin care requirements that are necessary for maintaining long-term skin health. They only take care of one part, at the cost of causing short-term and long-term side effects. This is not what you want. What you want, instead, is a natural skin whitening cream that gradually clears dark spots and other blemishes while brightening your skin to bring about a long-term healthy look.

Which Age Spot Cream Should I Use, a Natural Skin Whitening Cream or a Retinoid?

Creams For Acne

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Intensive Daily Moisturizer For Face

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Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Intensive Daily Moisturizer for Face is a legendary moisturiser which is formulated for dry, normal and combination skin type. This lotion provides hydration to the skin and can be used on a daily basis. The skin gets optimal poise with the regular application of this wonderful cream. The proportionate use of this treatment can prevent skin cancer which is caused due to exposure to harmful sunrays. It goes through the skin very fast keeping the skin silky, refined, and unsullied for about eight hours everyday. This rigorous, every day hydrating formula heals the skin's dryness, defends the skin against detrimental effects of emissions of sun, varying climatic situations and harsh external environs.

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It is made with a perfect combination and fragrance of Eight Hour Cream. It preserves the skin from unsafe impurities and dust in the surroundings. It acts as a screening agent and sieves the UV radiations. Its Sun Protection Factor is 15. SPF 15 indicates that this moisturising lotion if used can help a person to sustain in the sun for about 15 times longer. SPF is used to measure the effectiveness of any sunscreen lotion against ultra violet B rays. Its normal range is 1 to 45 or above that. SPF 15 lotions give filtration against the sun above 90%. It is a deluxe, non-greasy moisturiser which does not give any spots. It takes care of every individual skin texture in particular ways. All the time it supplies vital nourishment and wetness to skin for a gorgeous appearance. The skin always touches the pinnacle of bloom with the use of this cream. It has an enchanting perfume.

Creams For Acne

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Intensive Daily Moisturizer for Face can be applied after cleaning the face with a cleanser. It must be applied with mild massaging pats so that it spreads effortlessly on all areas of face and gets absorbed plainly. It can be used on neck and hands also. Apply this cream before going out in the sun. It helps to retain the moisture of a dry skin.

Creams For Acne

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Intensive Daily Moisturizer for Face predicts your skin's each and every requirement. Enriched with vitamins C and E antioxidants, this light weight moisturiser refines your skin texture and clarifies it. The presence of alpha and beta hydroxyl compounds restores the skin tone leaving it lustrous full time. You are simply going to adore this superb invention in the world of moisturisers.

Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream Intensive Daily Moisturizer For Face

Creams For Acne

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Find Your Best Treatment For Acne

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If you are wondering how to find the best treatment for acne, then this article can provide you with some helpful advice. Those who suffer from acne do so in varying degrees and each many have different triggers to their acne, therfore it is advisable to know about the various successful treatments for acne so that you can find the best treatment for you. There are various types of treatments for acne such as spot creams and lotions, nutritional handlings, natural treatments, medication and even surgical treatments for acne scarring. After reading this article you will have a general understanding of each and be able to choose the best treatment for you.

Creams For Acne

A large percentage of people suffer from acne at one point in their life and many people turn to the various acne lotions and creams which are widely available. Some of these creams and lotions are effective - especially for the milder forms of acne. However, it is important to bear in mind that these creams and lotions are simply handling the problem on the surface and are not correcting the main cause of the problem. Also, the price of the product does not necessarily match it's effectiveness! Avoid buying expensive products if you can unless you know of someone for whom they have been effective. If you choose to try one of the many skin care products available it is also advisable that you see a nutritionist and maybe a dermatologist also to help locate and handle underlying causes. There are also some helpful information products on treating acne available if you do not want to splash out money on seeing a specialist.

Creams For Acne

The next type of common treatment for acne is medication from your doctor. There are various medications available from your doctor but these are usually limited to the more serious forms of acne due to the side effects of the medication. Some of the common acne medications include: antibiotics, the oral contraceptive pill, Isotretinoin and Nicotinamide. Antibiotics can be effective but the body can only take short periods on antibiotics and so this may not be a long term solution. The Oral contraceptive can prove helpful for women who are suffering from acne due to a hormonal imbalance. Isotretinoin and Nicotinamide are medications often used by doctors for acne but Isotretinoin can have negative side effects ranging from peeling skin to severe depression and so are reserved for the treatment of more serious acne. Medication can play a role in handling acne but is usually used in more serious cases. It is advisable to attempt to handle acne without medications if possible through the use of proper nutrition, skin care and maintaining good skin hygiene.

Creams For Acne

There are also surgical procedures available for the handling of acne scaring such as dermabrasion and chemical peels. Dermabrasion is a cosmetic medical procedure whereby the surface of the skin is removed by abrasion and it can be used to lessen scars. It is very painful and is usually done under a general anesthetic. Chemical peels can improve the texture of the skin by using a chemical solution that causes the skin to blister and peel off. Acne scarring can get worse if left for a long time and so it is best to try and treat it as soon as possible - prevention really is the best cure! If you have acne and fear you may have some scarring, it is best to source out some natural treatments first before you resort to surgical procedures. Many natural treatments are effective and surgical procedures should be turned to as a last resort.

Finding the best treatment for acne for you depends a great deal on how severe your acne is and upon which particular factors could be causing and aggravating it for you. Many people benefit from skin care products but these do not get to the bottom of the problem and provide a temporary solution only. Medications and surgical treatments can be effective but are generally only advised for the more serious cases. If you are a woman and think you may have a hormonal imbalance, the oral contraceptive may be of help but most women do not have a hormonal imbalance. Due to the side effects of medication, it is advised that you attempt to find a natural solution first. Again, medications often only offer a temporary solution and do not get the root of the problem. My advice is to seek a natural solution to acne if possible as handling nutrition, nutritional deficiencies, intolerances and allergies as well as finding out about life style changes you can make to avoid possible acne triggers can go a long way in handling your acne for good without the use of harsh chemicals or medications!

How to Find Your Best Treatment For Acne

Creams For Acne

Monday, December 12, 2011

Best Eye Cream For Puffiness Revealed

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Puffy eyes is one of the main eye problem that many men and women have. This is something that you can actually easily remedy using the right eye cream. Listed below are the best eye cream for puffiness.

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Neocutis Lumiere Eye Cream

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This is a rather controversial cream because of it's main, ingredient which is PSP. But disregarding that, a lot of consumer reviews highly rate the Neocutis Lumiere eye cream as a very good cream for puffy eyes.

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This cream basically helps regenerates dry skin around the eye area and does not only make puffy eyes get better but also makes it look a lot brighter.

Lifecell Eye Cream

If you use instant lifting of your eyes and one of the best eye cream for puffy eyes which only just got popular in the past few years, then choose Lifecell eye cream. It's not exactly the cheapest on this list, but this is not just an Eye cream. This is an all around facial cream that looks after the eyes, the face and the neck.

If you want to know where to buy lifecell cream, the best place to get them is online. The company aggressively markets their product this way and if you want to avail of the offers it has, then getting them online straight from the manufacturer is the best place to go. You can of course also buy lifecell from online retailers like Amazon but you then lose the free trial offer which Lifecell offers for new customers who buy lifecell online.

Olay Regenerist Eye Serum

If you want something cheap and highly effective, the Olay Regenerist eye serum is getting excellent reviews as one of the best eye cream for puffiness. Granted it's not the cheapest when you browse around your local pharmacy, but it is definitely one of the more effective ones at a reasonably affordable price around.

This is of course best used with other Regenerist products from Olay, which works very very well as well. But if your concern right now is only for puffiness, then this is a good one.

Caffeine Eye Serum

Caffeine when applied topically actually helps those puffy eyes to go away. In fact, one of the home remedies that you can do is to simply brew a cup of tea (or make coffee), cool it, dip a cotton ball in it and then gently rub it around the eyes.

However, if you want something "stronger", with ingredients made from organic coffee bean, then the 100% Pure Caffeine Eye cream from One Hundred Percent Pure is a good alternative.

Origins No Puffery Cooling Mask for Puffy Eyes

This is another one of the best eye cream for puffy eyes and the cooling effect makes it all the better. You'll be happy to know that this is an all-natural eye cream that does it's job very well. It's also very affordable compared to most of the cream featured on this page.

Best Eye Cream For Puffiness Revealed

Creams For Acne

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Testosterone Cream for Women

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As a woman's body ages so does some of the vital nutrients and hormones. This is a natural part of life and they can be replaced by eating right, having a proper diet and by taking various supplements. This article will focus on the use of the testosterone cream to treat women who have a low sex drive.

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Testosterone is the male hormone that is used to for a wide variety of processes. It is needed for lean muscle, sexual performance, libido, the regulation of fat, maintaining muscle mass and many more.

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Testosterone cream is a topical treatment that is rubbed into the skin to increase the level of testosterone. It is absorbed into the skin, making it easy for it to get into the blood stream. There has been wide speculation that the cream is not a proper treatment for those who suffer from low testosterone in the body, but some also suggest that it is.

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Testosterone cream for women is used to help those who have a deficiency. This is often results in women who have a low sex drive and low desire to have sex. Many doctors prescribe the testosterone cream for women to help increase their libido. Typically women who use this cream have to apply this to their vagina at least two times per week. This should enable them to get back some desire for sex and raise their libido. For women who take this cream, it should be noted, that it is not FDA approved and there is the possibility that it might not work with all the women who take it.

Testosterone cream for women is often prescribed by a doctor. There are other creams that are available over the counter. The ones prescribed by the doctors usually have a higher level of testosterone in their products. The over the counter creams content are usually substantially less. Before taking this product you should consult with a doctor or do your own independent research.

There are some side effects associated with the use of the testosterone cream for women. These are typically the growth of hair. The hair can be very dark and can show up on the chin or upper lip. The other side effects are the increase of oily skin and the outbreak of acne. There is also the chance that the woman might experience the deepening of the voice. The use of the cream can also bring out other masculine traits that can become pronounced in women who take this product.

Testosterone Cream for Women

Creams For Acne

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Does Dermology Hair Removal Cream Work in Less Than 15 Minutes and Can I Get it For Free?

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If you are looking for the best option to remove unwanted hair from your body then look no further. Introducing Dermology hair removal cream the answer to all your body hair problems.

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What Is Special About Dermology?

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Well, we all know that there are various hair removal options available. The first and possibly the most common is shaving. Although this method is cheap as it requires only a razor, you are prone to razor cuts and burns. Also hair can grow back quickly and once it does you are likely to experience itchiness.

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Next we have waxing. This is another popular option to remove hair from the body but the problem with this method is that it can be painful and may cause irritation especially to people who have sensitive skin. Furthermore waxing (be it visiting a salon or using an at home waxing kit) can be a time-consuming process.

The last option available is laser hair treatment but this method is very expensive and not a lot of people can afford to undergo such a procedure. This is the reason why a lot of people are turning to Dermology hair removal cream as not only is it easy and quick to use but it is also affordable and can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Is Dermology Hair Removal Cream the Best Option?

Well of course; it makes sense since you no longer have to suffer razor burns and cuts and go through all the pain associated with waxing. All you have to do is apply the Dermology hair removal cream on the area where you want the hair to be removed and leave it for a few minutes and then wipe off using a damp cloth and voila! No more hair!

The best part is that it does not only remove hair; it also exfoliates and leaves the skin moisturized giving you fabulous looking skin.

In addition you can get a free Dermology hair removal cream trial. The only thing that you have to pay is the shipping and handling fees. This is a great way for you to try the product and see if it is something that you are looking for without the need to invest a lot of money.

Paying this small fee is much more appealing than is the case with the other creams out there such as Veet and Nair which you have to buy first and may not even be effective for you personally.

If you want to know more details and information about the product then you can do some research online. You are bound to find various reviews, testimonials and feedback on numerous websites and blogs from satisfied actual users. So what are you waiting for? Order your free sample now and get that smooth and hairless skin you have always been striving for.

Does Dermology Hair Removal Cream Work in Less Than 15 Minutes and Can I Get it For Free?

Creams For Acne

Friday, December 9, 2011

Natural Remedies For Acne: Important Information Concerning Home Pimple Treatments And More

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Natural remedies for acne are frequently situated within OTC (Over-The-Counter) medicines, lotions and/or creams, doctor's prescriptions, and additional methods used to treat acne, all of which can be bought via a pharmacy or physician. Natural treatments can be used for individuals with several diverse kinds of skin. For a person with just a moderate instance of acne or other skin problem, possibly an unattractive pimple or blemish or just two or three ugly-looking marks on his or her face, there are numerous fast solutions an individual can use to decrease or eliminate the spots.

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People have a vast array of alternatives to alleviate a tiny skin breakout. Occasionally, one to three zits will show up on the face. This can be particularly earth shattering for individuals in their teen years, especially when it is time for school pictures for the yearbook or the teenagers are going on their first dates. In cases where instant approaches are necessary to eliminate mild pimple problems, people have the option of using home natural remedies for acne. Such home kits help remove or diminish the effects of noticeable, ugly blemishes quickly.

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Several people use things they already have at home, such as toothpaste, to help eliminate zits or other minor skin blemishes. If individuals choose to use toothpaste as a treatment for acne, it is suggested to leave the paste on all night long. This home product dries up pimples, which assists with making the unattractive spots disappear. People usually notice a significant change by the next morning. Individuals who have a tendency of sleeping on their stomachs or on their sides should put a bandage over the location where they put the toothpaste. Otherwise, the paste might rub off. When morning comes, gently rinse the paste off the face. The pimples should look significantly tinier than they did the evening before. Another great natural remedy for acne is egg whites, which most people have in their home already. The egg whites are used in the same manner as the toothpaste. Rub the whites of eggs onto the blemishes and leave them either on all night or just for twenty minutes.

Creams For Acne

Benefiting from natural remedies for acne can additionally lower even bigger and additionally serious skin breakout problems. Such breakouts frequently cause anxiety, depression, mild to serious pain and stress for people suffering with pimples. Locating solutions to eliminate or diminish the trouble can lessen some of the mental anxieties that such skin problems cause many people, particularly teenagers. For additionally vast breakouts and for regular, daily washing and cleansing of the skin, skin that is particularly more sensitive, many natural remedies for acne exist nowadays. The majority of treatments are very successful.

People who are looking for additionally deeper skin cleansing have numerous alternatives for home acne treatments. Developing facial cleansers or masks from a mixture of lemon juice and egg whites, for instance, can be very useful. If people use masks, they leave a mask on the face for at least twenty minutes at a time and then rinse the mask off gently with lukewarm water, not hot and not cold water. This can be an excellent method of removing dead skin and unwanted oils, which help to reduce or eliminate facial breakouts.

Water is an additional method of cleansing the skin. If people consume sufficient amounts of water daily too, they will notice a huge difference in their skin and should see less breakout instances. The recommended amount of water a person should drink per day is three to four eight-ounce glasses. If someone drinks a glass of water with each of his or her meals each day, he or she will be assisting the skin with eliminating toxins and unneeded oils. Healthy skin generates the adequate antibodies, which in turn helps the skin heals, especially pores that might be infected (filled with pus, for example).

There are several additional natural remedies for acne for people who suffer with mild to moderate pimples. A variety of skin cleansing products, like aspirin and oatmeal, as well as several additional products that people have in their home, were not designed to treat acne, however were proven to help clear up the skin. Home treatments for zits, in combination with several additional remedies for eliminating tiny breakouts, can be located by searching several of the major search engines online. In addition, books and other information about holistic acne remedies can be located online or at local libraries. Acne is frequently an aspect of life that individuals usually have to accept and most people believe they will never be rid of such problems, so they try to learn to deal with it. Some people tend to ignore (or put the problem onto a back burner) acne, particularly if they have stressful and busy lifestyles.

When it comes to pimples, there might be several diverse issues that crop up for individuals. A few folks might have an issue with pain, swelling or redness whilst others might suffer from whiteheads and blackheads. Other folks might be dealing with more serious skin breakouts in one location on their face. Regardless of the troubles, there are natural remedies for acne (home remedies). The most popular mixture of natural components comes from foods and they are generally used to treat mild to moderate skin problems, helping to decrease or eliminate pimples finally.

A popular method for saving some money on skin cleansing products and medicines used to treat or remedy acne is to try home cures. Skin professionals, otherwise known as dermatologist, can frequently offer details and medicines, creams and lotions, skin cleansers and other remedies that will help fight off serious skin troubles, like swollen, red and sore pimples that will not go away no matter what people do. However, several people opt to save some money by using natural remedies for acne right at home.

Prescriptions can be pricey and a few insurance policies might not help pay for dermatologist-prescribed acne medicine. Even Medicare has changed what they will pay for with prescriptions. What people choose for a natural acne treatment is contingent on each person's skin type and the seriousness of the pimple troubles. For mild breakouts where just two to three zits are the issue, several fast cures and solutions exist nowadays. To restate, products such as egg whites and toothpaste are frequently used to eliminate zits and they work in just one evening.

When breakouts are happening all over the face, egg whites are usually one of the best natural remedies for acne. Egg whites deliver fast results. For long-lasting cures, people can continue to drink three to four glasses of water daily. Skin experts recommend that individuals who suffer from skin problems such as pimples initially receive adequate diagnosis from their dermatologist. Then, people can look up information regarding their skin condition and research more holistic home treatments. Having homemade pimple cures and natural alternatives on reserve instead of using prescriptions might assist people suffering with mild to moderate acne with having a long-term solution, particularly for people with overly sensitive skin.

Natural Remedies For Acne: Important Information Concerning Home Pimple Treatments And More

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Herbs - The Alternative Cure For Acne, Pimples, Eczema, Spots and Many Skin Problems

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For those of us who prefer the natural, tried, tested and true to the "fast food" way of the modern life, nature has always had the answers to our needs. Since day's undocumented, herbs have been used to treat most medical and beauty problems we may encounter, and until the end of times, this will continue to be so as long as we look after our green heritage and preserve our herbal inheritance.

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Herbs can be used internally (as a drink or eaten fresh) or externally; as infusions, creams or oils. For the purpose of this article I have grouped them in their functional categories, to make using them easier. I have included simple recipes (that apply to all the herbs listed below the recipe), to help you get the job done. Good luck!

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External Treatments

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On the spot Treatment
A date looming and Oh No! An ugly spot! No problem, try the following:
Squeeze juice, fresh from the stem, leaf, seed, fruit or flower, directly onto the spot to kill germs, cool inflammation and improve blood circulation.
Dandelion (stems)
Nasturtium and Evening Primrose (petals)
Aloe and Bulbinella (leaf)
Garlic (clove)
Lemon (Juice)

Infusion, face splash and face steam. (As a daily cleaning treatment)
Make an "infusion" The standard recipe is: 1 teaspoon dried herbs (3 teaspoons fresh herbs) to 1 cup of boiling water, let stand for 5 minutes, strain, and let it cool. Apply to the skin with cotton wool, or as a face splash or a face steam.

Lavender and Parsley. Flowers and leaves can be used for facial steams.
Chicory - for inflammation, boils and septic areas.
Patchouli and Bergamot - powerful, antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti bacterial, regenerates skin cells

Mask, poultice or compress. (A few times a week or when the problem is really troubling)
Make a face Pac (mask) or paste (poultice) or compress (Cotton wool soaked in liquid and placed on face); the standard method is: the plant is crushed and a little water is added, leave on until dry, then wash off.

Horseradish - (paste) replace water with milk.
Stinging Nettle - (paste) eczema and acne remedy.
Comfrey and Fenugreek - (paste) use leaves.
Marigold - (paste) (flower petals) clears and softens the skin
Aloe - (paste) crush leaves (no need to add water) heals and prevents scaring.
Basil - (paste) no need to add water, draws out puss.
Camomile - (compress) reduces inflammation.
Chickweed - (poultice) relieves inflammation and brings boils to a head.
Borage - (Face Pac) made up with cooked barley and bran.

Astringent (Twice a week or before that great date, to look great.)
Use an astringent to tighten the pores, to prevent sagging and to reduce the tired look. Make an infusion, the standard quantities are; 1 cup of herbs to 1 litre boiling water, let it stand until cool. Apply to face with cotton wool.

Evening Primrose - use leaves for greasy, spotty skin, eczema and rashes.
Camomile - use petals, tones clears, purifies and softens the skin.
Horsetail - clears tones and purifies skin.
Scented Geraniums - a mild astringent to cleanse and improve circulation.

Face Cream: (Long term, twice daily treatment with cream)

Make your own face cream. The basic recipe is as follows: Use as a basis a combination of honey, lanolin, glycerine and almond oil in equal proportions. Slowly heat in a pan, when melted, add crushed herbs in the ratio 1/5 herbs to 4/5 basis and stir until the mixture is boiling. Simmer gently for 20 minutes, then strain, whisk mixture until thick and creamy and quite cold. Pour into pots and cover.

Bulbinella -soothes all skin problems.
Aloe - use the leaf sap to make a soothing and healing moisturizing cream.
Myrtle - for blemishes.
Marigold and Comfrey and Salad Burnet for dry skin
Camomile - for oily skin.

Face Oils: (Long term, twice daily treatment with oil)
(Make in the following way): Dry the herb. Add to a basic oil like Almond, Jojoba or Sweet oil (the ratio is ½ herb and ½ oil) Place in a closed jar, let it stand in a warm place (shake daily) strain after 10 days. Discard herbs, repeat process with fresh (dried) herbs until you have the strength you desire. This should be at about 4 to 5 weeks. The greater the concentration herb to oil, the more effective the mixture will become.

Marigold - (flower petals) soothes inflammation has antiseptic properties, heals and softens.
Tea Tree - is an antibacterial, soothes irritated skin. More effective if mixed with Witch Hazel.
Rose - clears tones and purifies the skin.
Evening Primrose - helps clear up spots.
Scented Geraniums - Is useful in balancing the sebum in oily and dry or inflamed skin.

To solve a skin problem, applying products to the face is not enough, the body has to be cleared form the inside. The benefit is to clear the blood; blood removes impurities and transports necessary nutrients to the skin. There are two different ways to do this. The first to drink an infusion (tea) the second is to include herbs freshly eaten in your diet.

Herbs - The Alternative Cure For Acne, Pimples, Eczema, Spots and Many Skin Problems

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Acne - Causes And Cures For Acne

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One of the scourges of teenagers as they enter and go through puberty, is acne. When I was a teenager my Dad always blamed my acne on candy, soft drinks and greasy fries. So I was limited in the amount of these foods I could have. But the acne kept on coming.

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Today we know this is not true and have some theories on causes and have some sure-fire ways to clear up your acne. Here is what dermatologist believe what causes acne and how to minimize or eliminate acne.

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Causes of Acne

The exact cause of acne has not been determined, but many dermatologists believe it is caused by over-active sebaceous gland (oil gland) producing too much sebum (oil) that is used to lubricate your skin and hair. This over-activity is usually caused by over-active hormones such as when a teenager is going through puberty, pregnancy, pre-menstrual and other human conditions that can up set the hormone system.

When you have too much oil being secreted by the sebaceous gland, your skins pores will tend to clog up. When this happens you will develop acne if you also have to many dead skin cells and bacteria in your pores.

Cures For Acne

One good way to keep your face clear of acne is to properly care for your face and remove the excess oils, dead skin and bacteria. Performing three easy steps can easily do this.

Twice a day you should cleanse and moisturize your face. Once in the morning and once before you go to bed. This will help keep your skin free of excess oils and bacteria.

To remove the dead skin, you should exfoliate your face once or twice a week. This will not only remove the dead skin, but will expose fresh new skin.

You may also want to shrink your pores periodically after you cleanse your skin to keep bacteria out. You can easily do this by putting your face over some warm water for a few minutes. Then rinse your face with cool water. This process will shrink your pores and help keep bacteria out.

There are other creams, solutions and electronic lights out there to help you control acne, but the process I described, cleanse, moisturize, exfoliate, will not only help remove acne, but if you continue this as a daily habit, plus use sunscreen daily, you will maintain your youthful face and prevent wrinkles.


Though the exact cause of acne is not exactly known, dermatologist recommend keeping your face clean by cleansing, moisturize and exfoliating the skin on your face.

Acne - Causes And Cures For Acne

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What is the Best Acne Treatment For Black People?

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This is the very question I found on several message boards, and surprisingly not many people had an answer ready for it. Is there no acne cure for folks with darker skin?

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I've gone off to investigate the situation. There are many good products available, and something has to work for every skin care and color, no matter what. I've check out the producs properties, the websites advertised, read through countless posts on different acne forums, message boards and online groups. And what were my findings?

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First of all, there is a myth that all acne products work the same for all skin types. This is wrong. There is also the myth that the people with dark skin have it much better, because their skin is tougher. The opposite is actually true. Dark skin is sometimes more difficult to treat for acne, pimples and acne scars, because the skin is usually more sensitive! Who would have known, right? I mean everybody is feeling sorry for the Nordic European girls who burn their faces by being in the sun for more than 10 minutes.

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Truth is, if you have dark skin and have severe acne, you might notice that once the inflamation has retreated, the skin has now a lightened (hyperpigmentation) or darkened spot (hypo-pigmentation) shade. These spots will go away with time. But who has the time? Not when you're that close to Christmas, or to your next prom party, or to meeting your first date just in a few weeks time.

There are a few things that DO work. However I also found that not everything works. Some type of products leave this skin discoloration I mentioned above and it's darn difficult to fix it in the short time.

What is the Best Acne Treatment For Black People?

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Monday, December 5, 2011

A New Peptide Treatment For Healing Acne Scars

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Peptides have made their way to the forefront of skin care industry over the past few years, with a wide variety of treatments. Most popular for their removal of wrinkles, their use does not stop there. Peptides have been used to remove discoloration within the skin and even in the treatment of burn victims. Recently, the use of peptides has stepped out of anti aging and into an equally popular treatment, that of acne scar removal. Because peptides work on the cellular level of the skin, they are very good at growing new skin cell which heals wrinkles but it can also heal the damaged tissue common with acne scars.

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The peptide Collaxyl is the peptide in question. Collaxyl is a poly peptide that penetrates deep into the skin and heals damaged, and even dead tissue. In a clinical study, Collaxyl was applied to a sample of dead skin and damaged tissue. After applying only one dose, and waiting a period of time of 72 hours Collaxyl proved to completely heal the damaged tissue sample. This is by far the most amazing results of tissue repair that scientists have ever seen, and as a result they turned this ingredient into treatment for acne scars.

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Acne scars are far more common than you may imagine, and anyone who suffers from them will tell you, getting rid of them is far more difficult than it is to get them. And what is even more frustrating is that acne scarring is common because it is a side effect of your skin's natural defense against acne. Most of us know that acne is caused by bacteria growing in the skin along with excess dirt, oils and dead skin cells. Once the breakout begins, the skin naturally floods the area with white blood cells to nourish and treat the acne. While this heals the breakout themselves, it provides the skin with so much blood flow that the tissue remains inflamed and damaged for periods of time that can range between a few days and a few years, and in some extreme cases can remain permanently.

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It is this condition of the skin, immediately following the acne breakout that can lead to acne scars. Making the mistake of letting this condition go untreated can result in severe acne scarring for many individuals. This is where the Collaxyl comes in handy. By using this ingredient on your skin you can protect against the potential for acne scars as well as eliminate the scars that already exist. Breaking down scar tissue and repairing inflamed or damaged tissue is what Collaxyl does. While the clinical tests described above were only one application over a 72 hour period of time, imagine the possibilities when applied twice daily.

If the past few years has taught us anything, it has taught us that the treatments of the skin will constantly be changing, evolving, hopefully for the better. This is the case with peptides over the past few years; making their way into the anti aging market and now have penetrated the acne scar removal industry. Collaxyl has proven up to the task, delivering acne scar removal qualities that are unseen by any other treatment of its kind. Scars are broken down and healed effectively, making acne scar fading creams with the ingredient Collaxyl the best that money can buy.

A New Peptide Treatment For Healing Acne Scars

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Best Cure For Acne - Bar None!

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I'll try to put this lightly - I am sick of your acne. Please don't be offended. I mean well, honestly. I rode on the acne thrill ride for far too long myself. "It's gone! It's back. I'm up! I'm down. It's gone away again, yea! No, it's coming back...I Wanna Get off Already!"

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I went to doctors and specialists. I tried over the counter and under the counter products. I watched infomercials, subscribed to acne magazines, and spent way too much money on soap. I finally found the best cure for acne, and promptly put it at the top of my "Things I never want to hear, speak, or even think about again" list. Unfortunately, shutting it out is impossible even with my acne cured. Why? Because of your acne. That's right! The fact that you and so many others still have acne means I'm up to my ears in acne treatment ads and products!

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I have to do something to help. Partly for selfish reasons, but mostly because if you still have acne you're not curing it right! I have a feeling you still think acne is brought on by dirt and oil, giving you the impression that chronically washing your face will do the trick. I'm willing to bet you're currently using some kind of "special" soap exclusive for acne ridden skin. Am I right? If so, don't worry. We've all been there...

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You're simply misinformed about acne (as most people are). Acne doesn't have to be such a big deal in your life, just take it from someone who knows. The reason you still have to pick up "face wash" while grocery shopping has more to do with the groceries you purchase than any germs on your face. I'll help you out with a few tips on foods to stay away from to avoid causing breakouts. For starters:

-Refined Sugars:
You can probably find refined sugar in your pantry or refrigerator right now. Cookies, doughnuts, ice cream, soda, mayonnaise, and salad dressing all contain refined sugar. If you can't cut it out of your diet completely, take it in moderation please! Your skin will thank you for it.

Caffeine is an easy one. You can find it in coffee, soda, chocolate, tea, and so on. Caffeine has its negative and positive aspects, so I wouldn't recommend extracting it from your diet completely but again... in moderation.

-Hydrogenated Oils:
A common example of hydrogenated oil is margarine. You can also find it in many cooking oils, such as vegetable oil, and in peanut butter.

-Fast Food:
I don't think I need to elaborate much on this one. It's harder for me to think of ways fast food isn't bad for your skin than ways that it is. I would advise you to eat as healthy as possible if you really want to cure your acne.

As I said before, acne isn't that hard to handle if you know what you're dealing with. There's really no need to stock up on products to treat it when you can simply rearrange your grocery shopping a bit!

The Best Cure For Acne - Bar None!

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Natural Pills For Acne

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Pills for acne have been promoted by big pharmacies to the point many don't realize there are safe and effective natural supplements available. Natural acne pills do not spend on the hype and marketing. Natural supplements that cure acne are dismissed when the public is led to believe that only more expensive medication is the answer. Depending on the root cause of the acne, some of these over-the-counter medications actually further the progression as acne. This is excused away by thinking that the medication is simply "bringing out" the acne.

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With natural acne pills, you can start with a simple Apple Cider Vinegar pill. They're very inexpensive and as safe as eating an apple. Apple cider vinegar contains pectins and other ingredients that improve acne and the overall complexion. Along with the pills, apple cider vinegar can be used as a topical treatment to clean pores and kill bad bacteria in your skin.

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Apple cider vinegar is only one natural remedy for acne and other natural acne pills contain many more ingredients that improve not only acne, but overall health. Some ingredients that these can include are dandelion, vitamin A and other vitamins, green tea, mangosteen, noni, and more. These ingredients are rich in what your body needs to fight a case of acne.

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There is a certain amount of patience required for natural pills for acne to work. It takes time for some nutrients to reach the skin and start the healing process that acne requires. Many harsh chemicals will work immediately, but stop working just as fast leaving behind damage of the skin. Some over the counter pills have side effects too. Try natural methods first, then consider a physicians help if medication is required.

Natural Pills For Acne

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Friday, December 2, 2011

A General Guide To Infant Acne Treatment

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Here are some facts that parents need to know about infant acne its treatment. It is quite natural for parents to be worried when babies have ailments. Skin ailments are visible to the eye and parents tend to worry whenever rashes and bumps appear on the baby's skin. You would do well to remember that infant skin ailments including infant acne are not serious in nature. However, if you are in doubt do not hesitate to consult your pediatrician or dermatologist.

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Do not panic when you see signs of acne on your baby. Infant acne is very common and starts by around three weeks of age. This form of acne looks like bumps similar to pimples and they occur on cheeks, temples and foreheads. They do not cause any discomfort to the baby and generally do not require any treatment either.

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Some Facts About Acne

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A common form of acne is pimples. Nearly everyone suffers from it sometime or the other especially during adolescence. Pimples occur when greasy secretions from the skin's sebaceous glands plug the tiny openings or pores. Blackheads, whiteheads or bumps appear on the surface of the skin and could leave a scar. There are many forms of treatment for acne. These include conventional and non-conventional; invasive and non-invasive methods. Acne sufferers are generally cured completely. However infant acne is different and so is its method of treatment. Infant acne, also called baby acne happen because of hormonal changes that are occurring in a baby after birth. These disappear by them self after some weeks.


You need not put any lotions or creams on the affected area as baby acne usually goes way after a few weeks. Acne products meant for adolescents and adults are definitely not recommended for infants.

Here are some other skin ailments of infants which are confused for acne:

A common rash known as seborrheic dermatitis. This usually starts by one month of age. Parents notice red bumps and yellow crusty scales on the baby's skin. Mother's milk or formula feed do not cause these and there is no need for undue worry. However in certain cases the doctor may prescribe certain types of steroid based creams. Infant eczema also has red bumps and patches at various locations. It is common in infants between one and five months of age. Eczema is commonly treated with various types of moisturizing agents. Steroid creams are used in severe cases. Diaper rash is very common in infants. It is also called diaper dermatitis. Diaper rash is caused by the baby's prolonged exposure to soiled napkins. They do not require any treatment. Frequent changing of baby's diapers will help.
Some Dos And Don'ts

Do not vigorously wash or rub your baby. Baby's skin is very tender and is very sensitive to harsh rubbing. Infant acne treatment does not recommend medication at the first instance. Avoid using moisturizers and creams of any kind.

As a general rule, parents should maintain good hygiene to prevent skin problems from occurring to babies. However you can be rest assured that infant acne will disappear within no time on its own.

A General Guide To Infant Acne Treatment

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