Creams For Acne
Acne is very uncomfortable for the patient and often requires prolonged treatment. The two main causes of acne are hormonal imbalances and the structure of toxins in the body.
Creams For Acne
Herbal remedies can help restore hormonal balance distorted toxins from the body and the skin heals. Depending on how strong acne used, these natural remedies for acne are alone or in combination. For the odd position of external funding are adequate. Ifthe problem is more widespread, it is best to have the internal resources and connect with an external processing.
Creams For Acne
Herbal Teas
Creams For Acne
Drinking tea is one of the simplest natural remedies for acne, and they are very effective in improving the health of your skin.
Drink 1-2 cups of chamomile tea on a daily basis. To use 2 teaspoons of loose tea or 2 tea bags per cup of herbs. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and reduceInflammation of the skin caused by acne. To achieve this satisfactory result, it is important to drink every day. Some people are allergic to chamomile, so be careful.
A more detailed combines herbal acne yellow dock, red clover and plantain. Clover Basin yellow and red are generally detoxifying Plantain soothes inflamed skin and promotes skin healing. Drink one cup a day until symptoms improve, then continue with a half cup a dayfor four months.
To combine the dry dock with tea 40g Yellow 20g dry red clover and plantain. With Pour boiling water over 2 teaspoons of the mixture and roll for 10 minutes. Then strain and add the herbs and honey as a natural sweetener, if desired. Hot drink.
Herbal Tinctures
Herbal tinctures can be supplied internally or externally. To avoid stains more properly apply calendula (marigold) dye directly on the stain with a cotton swab. Notthis 2-5 times a day. Caution is advised if you are allergic to plants of the daisy family.
A dye may be formed within a mixture of four different colors, ie, yellow dock, red clover, grapes, mountain and plantain. You can buy these ready-made vegetable dyes or suppliers only. Use a strong tincture of yellow dock of 1: 5, 1:02 for all other herbs.
To create the blend with any 20ml yellow dock, red clover and dyeing of grapes and mountainin combination with the plantain tincture 40ml. Keep the mixture kept in a dark glass bottle at room temperature. In this way it will always be up to one year. Take 5 ml of this mixture in a little water, diluted three times daily until symptoms improve. Young people should drink less. Go for a daily dose of up to four months of improvement.
Other remedies
If you're like many of the painful areas, small bumps, take propolis capsules every day. Propolis is aBee products and comes from a variety of resin. This is a powerful natural antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. Start with 1 g to 3 g per day and increase if symptoms are severe. Be careful though, if you have a history of allergies.
Clean the area with witch hazel after washing. Witch Hazel helps dry blemishes and tightens the skin.
It is also possible to develop DAB tea tree oil full of points. To do so, twice a day.
Large stains well to treatmentCalendula ointment. Apply if the swelling is painful and hold again the request up to six times a day in total. Be careful if you are allergic to plants of the daisy family.
These natural remedies to treat the symptoms of acne Acne outside and helps improve your skin. But to cure acne permanently must be other factors such as diet and lifestyle and address.
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