Creams For Acne
Although teenagers are the most commonly afflicted with acne, the condition can be experienced by individuals at all ages and can lead to much frustration and unwanted scars. People with sensitive skin often find the infection to be the most difficult to maintain as common treatments may negatively affect their skin, perhaps even making the situation worse.
Creams For Acne
Many of today's commercial treatments for acne contain harsh chemicals that are designed to treat the acne. Many individuals with sensitive skin find themselves at a loss when faced with these caustic treatments. Fortunately, there are available acne treatments for sensitive skin that can help to clear the condition without impacting the skin in a negative way.
Creams For Acne
Tip #1: Avoid Certain Chemicals
Creams For Acne
Substances such as benzoyl peroxide, beta-hydroxy-acid (BHA), and alpha-hydroxy-acid (AHA), which are often contained in high amounts in acne treatments, act by increasing the rate at which the skin is exfoliated. People with skin sensitivities may experience adverse reactions to these chemicals such as tingling of the skin, burning, and redness. Not only are these side effects uncomfortable, they can also lead to an increase in acne.
Tip #2: Use Gentle Cleansers
Avoid cleansers that contain tangible exfoliates including sand or peach pit bits. These can lead to irritation and redness in sensitive skin. Instead, use a gentle and moisturizing cleanser such as one made with castille soap. This form of soap is composed of vegetable oils which are far gentler on skin than other soap options.
Tip #3: Wash Face Only Twice Per Day
For those with sensitive skin, washing the face should be done only twice each day. Too frequent washing can dry out the skin and lead to irritation. The resulting dryness will lead the skin to produce more oil to compensate which can, in turn, increase the occurrence of acne. If the face becomes greasy between scheduled washing times, a tissue can be used to remove oil or the face can be rinsed with plain water.
Tip #4: Use Salicylic Acid-Based Treatments
Salicylic acid is far gentler than other acne treatment chemicals and can be found in low percentages in certain lotions and treatments. This approach to acne treatment has been shown to be both effective as well as soothing to individuals with sensitive skin. Finding a moisturizer that contains salicylic acid will help to ward against dryness as well as treat the existing acne and prevent further infection.
Tip #5: Utilize Natural Treatments as Opposed to Chemical Compounds
Using a natural acne treatment instead of an over-the-counter chemical treatment can be most effective in persons with sensitive skin. These treatments soothe instead of aggravating the affected skin. Common natural acne treatments include lemon juice, sandalwood paste, witch hazel skin toner, as well as aloe vera.
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