Thursday, October 13, 2011

How To Use Pure Tamanu Oil As The Best Treatment For Acne

Creams For Acne

Acne and acne scarring are big business. Just look at all the advertizing and hype surrounding the acne treatment product Proactiv. The only problem is that acne sufferers are still left with chemical-based products with very questionable results. It doesn't have to be this way as there has been an effective, all natural treatment for acne and acne scarring right under our noses for centuries. It's called Tamanu Oil and it is produced from the nut kernels of the Tamanu Tree (it's scientific name is Calophyllum-Inophyllum) that grows profusely in the Melanesian country of Vanuatu and to a far less extent in some Polynesian countries.

Creams For Acne

It is what is fast becoming known as the super oil of skin care as pure Tamanu Oil is not only effective as an acne treatment and for acne scarring but a whole host of other skin care conditions. It is even being touted by some super models as their anti-aging secret to natural beauty.

Creams For Acne

Now don't get pure Tamanu Oil confused with Argan Oil (also known as Argane Oil or Morroccan Oil or Morroccan Argan Oil). While Morroccan Argan Oil is also extracted from the nut kernels of a tree (the Argan Tree or "Argania Spinosa") it simply doesn't fit the criteria of a "super oil".

Creams For Acne

Basically we can break acne up into facial acne (including scalp and neck), back and chest acne and acne scars. Whether these are forms of hormonal acne or not is irrelevant. What is important is that acne sufferers now have a solution when it comes to acne removal and reducing the appearance of acne scarring.

Who would have thought that you can use an oil as an acne natural treatment. Acne itself comes about through blocked pores and the overproduction of sebum which is the oil produced naturally by the human body to moisturize and protect the skin. So, you would think that the last thing you should use to treat acne is another oil.

What is it then about Tamanu Oil that sets it apart from other acne treatments and how do you use it as a treatment for acne and acne scarring? The thing to realize about pure Tamanu Oil is that it is highly active and possesses the unique ability to stimulate the growth of healthy new skin cells. It penetrates rapidly into the dermis and epidermis to reach the underlying connective skin tissue where it does its magic.

In applying the oil, make sure it is pure Tamanu Oil and not some watered down version with olive oil or other carrier oil. This important as it might otherwise aggravate the acne rather than get rid of acne. Secondly, be sure to wash your hands before using the oil. Apply a chemical-free facial cleanser and then a gentle exfoliant (unless the skin is just way too sensitive). You could use a chemical-free facial cleansing soap instead of the cleanser but make sure it is unscented. Then wash off in warm water before directly applying pure Tamanu Oil to the skin. Don't be put off by its strong aroma as it penetrates quickly.

Follow this procedure morning and night for best results with the exception that you should only exfoliate every couple of days and then only in the morning or the evening but not both.
As for reducing the appearance of acne scars, apply the oil morning and night. If possible, also apply it a couple of times during the day as well. Generally speaking, the more often you use it, the quicker the results. If your skin starts to dry out too much, just use a chemical-free moisturizer as well or give the Tamanu Oil a rest for a few days.

So what's the big question on everyone's lips? It's "where can I buy Tamanu Oil?".

When it comes to where to buy Tamanu Oil, you need a reliable source for high grade oil that is pure 100% Tamanu Oil. Based on the recommendations of The Dr Oz Show, the best natural cure for acne is Vanuatu Tamanu Oil. As a Vanuatu-based manufacturer and supplier, you can't go past Volcanic Earth as they actually guarantee that their product is 100% pure Tamanu Oil. It is of a very high quality and has a shelf life of up to 5 years or more.

If you have been struggling to find the best treatment for acne or an acne treatment for acne scarring, then get yourself some of this "Super Oil" today.

How To Use Pure Tamanu Oil As The Best Treatment For Acne

Creams For Acne

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